Biosensor simulation software

This software is an implementation of the finite-difference simulator for the biosensors. The main target of the solver is to be able to simulate operation of biosensors with different structure with no need for programming. The solver supports 1-D and 2-D models.

Source code for this software is available on github along with source files for packaging it as a Debian package. Debian packages are built on launchpad and are available from my personal archive for the biosensor modelling packages.

If you are using up-to-date Ubuntu or Debian operating system, you should be able to install this software by invoking the following commands.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kape1395/bio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install biosensor

If you are unable to use packaged version of this software, you can always try to build it from the source code. This is done in a usual way, by invoking ./configure && make && sudo make install. For this to work, you should download several dependent packages and specify some parameters for the configuration script. You can refer to the BUILDING file in the source tree to find out, what dependencies and parameters are needed.

When have this package installed, you can invoke the solver using bio-solver command. If invoked without parameters, it will display short usage instructions.

Jenkins Ditz Plugin

This is a plugin for the Jenkins continuous integration server for visualizing activity trends of issues managed using Ditz issue tracker. Source code for the plugin can be found on my account at github.

Packaging for Debian

I have packaged several projects for Debian and Ubuntu. The debianized packages include Erlang/OTP, Biosensor and FOP-Hyph. All these packages are published via my personal APT repository. The following commands can be used to start using it:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update

Now you can try to install packages like biosensor or erlang-otp-r15-full.